La Asociación Cincahuite es una organización fundada para el desarrollo de las comunidades de Puerto Parada

Our History

The Coordinadora de las Comunidades de Puerto Parada (CCPP) formed as a non-governmental organization in 2001 to address institutional shortcomings communities faced in the region. Our main mission was to create an organizational structure to support the wellbeing of our communities, in a manner where people themselves become the managers of the developmental programs that touch their lives..

The Coordinada has 92 members representing 23 communities. The representatives of the communities are: fishermen, shellfish harvesters, farmers, housewives, youth, among others. The Cincahuite Association emerged in 2010 and it was not until 2013 that it obtained its legality as an initiative management entity.

The Cincahuite Association has 13 members who represent the CCPP. We provide reports every two months on our activities and our programs being developed.

The Asociación Cincahuite has worked with four fishing cooperatives through our pesca limpia (clean fishing) program since 2013 and have greatly benefited both to the mangrove environment and the economics of the region.

What does the word “Cincahuite” mean, you might ask? Cincahuite is the local name for a species of white mangrove tree that is common in Jiquilisco Bay. It is known to be the most resistant and long-lived local mangrove species, which is why the communities surrounding Puerto Parada decided to name their organization after the iconic tree.

Our Mission 

Our mission is to lead and promote sustainable, locally-led development by acting as a nexus of inter-institutional collaboration and fostering action to transform the socioeconomic, environmental, cultural and political conditions to advance community wellbeing.

Our Vision

To be a strong, permanent, supportive, democratic, inclusive, and self-managed organization with the capacity to achieve the community goals of social, environmental, economic, political and cultural development of our members and the population of Puerto Parada.

Our Team

José Ismael Rivas, President of the board of directors

José Carlos VasqueZ, treasurer of the board of directors

Erica Aquino, accountant

Alexis Guzmán, Fisheries and Aquaculture Technician

Delmy Guevara, Food Security coordinator

Ivette Coreas, Program Assistant